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Autumnal clock change

When the clocks change, it used to herald the start of a depressing time of the year....darker nights, and colder weather. Here in Portugal is isn't quite the same! During the hot summer months, we retreat from the sun when it gets too hot, but at this time of year we have lovely weather of about 24 degrees, and it's the perfect weather for our favourite cliff walks and morning runs.

We vividly remember our first winter in Portugal - expecting the heat to lessen, and nights to get darker after the clock change. This year it is only in the last week that the heat has dropped! It was in the low 30's until mid-October which is unusual.

Living in Edinburgh, we used to hate it getting dark at around 330pm - while the day is not over just because the sun has gone down, it just makes you want to snuggle up inside and it also makes it harder to get up in the mornings! Here, the earliest it gets dark is around 515pm - so we still head home in the dark, but it is a much easier transition.

This is one of our favourite times of the year in Portugal - less visitors; a more manageable heat, and empty beaches....bliss!

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