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The lavish lilac of Jacaranda

For a few precious weeks of the year the Algarve is painted in blue lilac patches as the jacaranda tree comes into full bloom. This pretty event takes place from May to June - almost as if the Jacaranda blossom heralds the start of the summer!

The jacaranda mimosifolia (to give it its full name!) is an exotic tree traditionally native to countries such as Argentina and Paraguay, where it is actually threatened. However it seems to have adapted very well to the Portuguese climate.

It is said that jacarandas were first brought to the country in 1768, to the botanical garden of Ajuda, Belém. It was there that the first jacaranda was planted. The name is said to come from a South American language Guarani, and it means ´fragrant´.

For those who have never seen it, they are large trees which can grow 25-50 feet tall. Here in Portugal, they are often planted along road sides as avenue trees, and that makes for a spectacular sight when they are in bloom. You can´t miss their magical flowers, which seem to glow with a fabulous violet colour.

The tree is said to represent wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck. Legend says if a jacaranda flower drops on your head, it means good fortune. So watch out for them when you are in Portugal…not only are they beautiful to look at, but good luck as well!

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